Transportation prices have soared in the metropolitan area since the country’s chronic fuel scarcity. The inter-city price for a mini bus trip between Port-au-Prince and several provincial cities has increased by as much as 250 gourdes. Meanwhile, the regular price for a tap tap in the city of Port Au Prince used to be 10 gourdes, now it is 25 gourdes.
But on Monday, it feels that the prices of the trips for the various circuits of the capital depend more on the mood of the driver. They continue to increase the prices of the rides as they wish and the passengers are getting upset especially now they’ve heard gas is being distributed.
And this is due to the fact that even though gas stations started to function again, Almost everywhere, long queues of vehicles, mototaxis and gallons have been observed since the resumption of those sales activities in gas stations on Sunday and a great number of these remaining closed.
The president of the National Association of Petroleum Product Distributors (ANADIPP) noted that the volume of diesel delivered today is greater than the volume of gasoline mainly due to the fact that the companies preferred to supply the industries of the country first and Then, some stations preferred to order and receive diesel.
For his part, the president of the National Association of Service Station Owners (ANAPROSS), Marc-André Dériphonse, believes that if Varreux continues to supply the market without disruption, there will be an improvement in distribution from here to Thursday of this week.
ANAPROSS asked all its members to simultaneously open all the gas stations to avoid this traffic jam observed in the stations. For better distribution, Marc-André Dériphonse invites its members to limit the supply to 1,500 gourdes at most per customer.
The population are heavily complaining about the prices increasing in public transportation at the capital and hopeful, by the beginning of next week, they’ll be able to return to the normal rate of transport.