Exceptional measures of ONA(National Insurance Office for Old Age)to help businesses in the Great South victims of the earthquake

Exceptional measures of ONA(National Insurance Office for Old Age)to help businesses in the Great South victims of the earthquake

In a note, Jemley Mare Jean Baptiste, Director General ai of the National Insurance Office for Old Age (ONA) informs that the Office has taken exceptional measures to support businesses in the Great South (South Department, Grand’Anse and Nippes), struggling with financial difficulties related to the earthquake of August 14, 2021.

These measures, which mainly aim to support companies with a disastrous balance sheet in the aftermath of the earthquake, consist of on the one hand an exemption from employer contributions and a special credit program on the other.

Through this mechanism to reduce employer contributions, these companies will benefit from a moratorium on contributions covering 3 months : August, September and October 2021. These exemptions will be split over the next 9 months, from November 2021.

ONA will also provide term loans to qualifying businesses to enable them to meet operational cash flow needs.

However, it should be noted that to benefit from the moratorium and the loan program, companies must not only be affiliated with the ONA, but also up to date with the deposit of payment of employer and employee contributions.

The General Directorate of the ONA reiterates its firm and complete commitment to support the companies of the Great South to meet the challenges generated by this earthquake and to help promote, in the short term, a movement of economic growth in the region.

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